Adelphine "Adele" BERGERON
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Additional BERGERON Surnames in CHENAL Cemetery
BERGERON, Albert F (Veteran WWI)BERGERON, OllaBERGERON, Lee MarionBERGERON, Louis RamaBERGERON, ChristineBERGERON, ValmontBERGERON, Marie LouiseBERGERON, Valmont (CLOSE UP)BERGERON, Marie Louise (CLOSE UP)BERGERON , Louis ToussaInt (Veteran CSA)BERGERON, Adelphine "Adele"LEBEAU DAUTHIER, Adelphine "Adele"BERGERON, Jean Baptiste, SrBERGERON, Joseph HermesBERGERON, Joseph Lee (Veteran)BERGERON, Joseph RoaulBERGERON, MargueriteBERGERON, VictoriaDAUTHIER, Adelphine "Adele" Additional BERGERON Surnames in POINTE COUPEE County
BERGERON, JuanitaBERGERON, AmelinaBERGERON, Oliver (VETERAN WWI)BERGERON, Bennett A (Veteran WWII)BERGERON, Margaret LouiseBERGERON, Joseph Clarence (Veteran WWII)BERGERON, Mae SBERGERON, Marie PBERGERON, Bradford Charles "Brad"BERGERON, Ferdinand VBERGERON, EudoxieBERGERON, EulaBERGERON, Thomas WilliamBERGERON, Kyle Francis, Sr "Happy"BERGERON, Louis RamaBERGERON, Marie EliseBERGERON, OliverBERGERON, Paul Morris (Veteran WWII)BERGERON, Roger WBERGERON, Brett AndrewBERGERON, NoraBERGERON, CharlesBERGERON, Charles (Veteran WWII)BERGERON, Joseph Mortimer "Buddy"BERGERON, ClementineBERGERON, Joseph Adam "Bozo"BERGERON, LillianBERGERON, LillianBERGERON, Mortimer JosephBERGERON, LouiseBERGERON, Willie Aloysius, SrBERGERON, MarieBERGERON, MarieBERGERON, VictorBERGERON, MyrtleBERGERON, Roy LBERGERON, Willie Aloysius, Jr
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Submitted: 12/13/23 • Approved: 12/14/23 • Last Updated: 12/17/23 • R460699-G460699-S3
May 12, 1806
July 31, 1853
Wife of J B Bergeron
Married 1st Francois Marie Polydore Dauthier on September 1, 1821
Photo Courtesy of Mary Agnes Hammett
Contributed on 12/13/23 by cjohnsonvip
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Record #: 460699