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Additional SMITH Surnames in PROVIDENCE BAPTIST Cemetery
Additional SMITH Surnames in DE SOTO County
SMITH, MattieSMITH, Thomas FSMITH, Dee AnnaSMITH, EdSMITH, Eunice RSMITH, Frank JSMITH, Gerald AlbertSMITH, Gracie OSMITH, Nancy LucilleSMITH, Ida LeolaSMITH, J ESMITH, James MSMITH, John RSMITH, MattieSMITH, LoraSMITH, Marvin LSMITH, Susie KatherineSMITH, William H (VETERAN CSA)SMITH, Willie FSMITH, LulaSMITH, GeorgeSMITH, Alice DSMITH, Billy RaySMITH, Cordie GSMITH, Ray RufusSMITH, Lucy GraceSMITH, Sarah AnnSMITH, Olivia PrudenceSMITH, Oscar JeffSMITH, Howard Glenn (veteran WWI)SMITH, JosieSMITH, BettieSMITH, WillSMITH, PearlieSMITH, Robert L, JrSMITH, Elmo RSMITH, Mary HSMITH, EttaSMITH, Ira DeeSMITH, LaJuana JSMITH, Robert LSMITH, Isaac FSMITH, Bessie MSMITH, AlaSMITH, EldoraSMITH, Elie HughSMITH, Elie H (Veteran WWI)SMITH, ElishaSMITH, Ernest MelvinSMITH, Francis E BuddySMITH, FrankieSMITH, Grover CSMITH, Grover ESMITH, Henry ESMITH, Nancy ASMITH, Hobart TSMITH, Porter RSMITH, John CarlSMITH, Laura ElizabethSMITH, Leedie ESMITH, Zonnie HSMITH, LeviSMITH, LouannSMITH, LillieSMITH, William CharleySMITH, MyrtleSMITH, Norma LeeSMITH, Reuben ESMITH, SarahSMITH, Sidney ESMITH, Tom G, JrSMITH, Charles W, SrSMITH, T FrankSMITH, Willie ESMITH, CaroleSMITH, James LawrenceSMITH, GeorgiaSMITH, James RobertSMITH, Maggie BelleSMITH, CarrieSMITH, Huey PSMITH, John FultonSMITH, Roy WeldonSMITH, AmorystSMITH, Samuel (Veteran CSA)
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Submitted: 2/19/14 • Approved: 2/19/14 • Last Updated: 3/24/18 • R38294-G38294-S3
July 20, 1896 - April 19, 1995
Photo courtesy of Pat Berel
Contributed on 2/19/14
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Record #: 38294