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Additional JOHNSTON Surnames in GREENWOOD (NEW ORLEANS) Cemetery
JOHNSTON , Worthington H (Veteran WWI)JOHNSTON, Myrtle RJOHNSTON, Worthington HJOHNSTON, William WJOHNSTON, AdaJOHNSTON, AlineJOHNSTON, Alfred GJOHNSTON, FergusJOHNSTON, Lester H.JOHNSTON, Alexander H, JrJOHNSTON, HenriettaJOHNSTON, David McCoy, Sr "Dave"JOHNSTON, David ValentineJOHNSTON, Hannah CarolineJOHNSTON, LavineJOHNSTON, Alexander Henry, Sr.JOHNSTON, Edward AlexanderJOHNSTON, MaryJOHNSTON, Edward JamesJOHNSTON, Emily ChristineJOHNSTON, Mercedes Augusta RennaldaJOHNSTON, MargueriteJOHNSTON, Herbert GeorgeJOHNSTON, Marguerite Rose "Rita"BAYERSDORFFER JOHNSTON, Emily ChristineNUNEZ JOHNSTON, Mercedes Augusta RennaldaARNOULT JOHNSTON, Marguerite Additional JOHNSTON Surnames in ORLEANS County
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Submitted: 5/4/22 • Approved: 5/4/22 • Last Updated: 5/7/22 • R364105-G364101-S3
July 12, 1889 - November 1962
August 19, 1919 - June 24, 1964
May 3, 1893 - June 14, 1979
February 2, 1895 - April 13, 1989
1923 - November 13, 2002
Contributed on 5/4/22
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Record #: 364105